Isotope Ratio Ecology and Hydrology (IREH)
Professor Gabriel Bowen
Purdue University - Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences




Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
550 Stadium Mall Drive
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: 765.494.3258
Fax: 765.496.1210






Graduate Student Opportunities

Support for 2 student research positions (MS or PhD level) in isotope hydroecology is available through the Univ. of Utah Dept. of Geology & Geophysics ( Projects will focus on 1) characterizing river plume habitats and habitat use by fish and benthic invertebrates in Lake Michigan, and 2) deploying and using a new network of water isotope lasers to quantify urbanization impacts on land/atmosphere water cycles in the western USA. Both positions are available summer/fall 2012. Contact Gabe Bowen ( with questions or inquiries.

Postdoctoral Researchers

We are soliciting applications for 2-3 Postdoctoral Researchers to conduct research using isotopes and isoscapes to study regional to continental scale ecological and hydrological processes. Two positions are associated with the recently funded ITCE project (see link for more details) and are open to any exceptional candidates regardless of citizenship.

A third position is assocaited with our ongoing work using isotopes to trace the use and redistribution of water by humans living in arid and semi-arid regions. The candidate will have opportunities to lead both field-based and modeling studies in support of basic environmental research questions and applied investigations. A strong background in stable isotope (bio)geochemistry and/or hydrology and experience with GIS and geospatial data are requirements of the position. The Postdoctoral Associate must hold a Ph.D. at the time of appointment and must be a U.S. citizen.

Please direct inquirites reated to any of these positions to Gabe Bowen.

We are always looking for smart, motivated, scientifically-minded people to join the IREH group. If you have a strong background in geology, chemistry, hydrology, or ecology and are interested in pursuing interdisciplinary work focused on globally significant environmental issues please contact Gabe. Postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates in the IREH group have access to state-of-the-art isotope ratio mass spectrometric instrumentation through the PSI lab and opportunities to interact and collaborate with a wide range of scholars through the Atmosphere-Surface Interactions EAS focus group and the campus-wide Purdue Climate Change Research Center.